Dec 12
The 10 days ahead: TOGGLE Leading Indicator The TOGGLE Leading Indicator is the aggregated indicator of all TOGGLE insights for stocks in the US market
The TLI correctly pointed to the chance of a rebound after SPX’s recent drop. The indicator is currently back to neutral.
To know more about the indicator, watch our Guide to TLI video here and read it here.
General Interest - Do you know about Quanta Magazine? Every week we endeavour to bring you one high quality article post of general interest
If you read the TOGGLE Daily Brief, chances are you know this gentleman:
For those who don’t know him, this distinguished scholarly fellow is James Simons - colloquially known as Jim.
Jim is the founder of Renaissance Technologies - colloquially known as RenTech and arguably the best quant fund in the world.
Jim might be famous for his appearance in Congress along with Soros and Griffin more than a decade ago - but he’s also an active philanthropist.
One of the gems amongst the activities of the Simons Foundation is Quanta Magazine.
If you never browsed the website, we can guarantee that this is one of the best - if not the best - divulgative scientific publications you will ever read.
Quanta Magazine tackles hard science problems with a passion, simplifies them without losing flavour, and illustrates them with an artistic budget that we’d love to have at TOGGLE.
If you like science, be sure and check out Quanta Magazine!
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Dec 12